Thematic electronic scientific online journal NCFSCHVW

Fruit growing
and viticulture of South Russia

Genetic Resources, Cultivar, selection

587 Кб
18 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.1:631.52
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-1-18


The article provides a description of new domestic apple varieties of early summer and summer ripening, included ones in the State Register of selection achievements approved for use in the North Caucasus (6) region: Union (breeds FSBSI North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making, together with FSBSI All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding) and Fortuna, Feya and Zolotoe Letnee (breeding of North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making). The studies were carried out in accordance with the generally accepted and developed by the employees of the Selection Center of the FSBSI NCFSCHVW programs and methods of selection and variety study of fruit crops. Objects of research are the apple varieties of different ploidy and various genetic origin. It is presented a pomological characteristic of 4 new apple varieties of Zolotoe Letnee, Soyus, Feya, Fortuna, including the origin of variety, distribution, ploidy, variety status, ripening period, economic and biological characteristics, detailed morphological characteristics, cytological features, the main advantages and disadvantages of the variety, the main distinctive signs, as well as the originators and authors of the variety are indicated. The main features of new domestic Zoned apple varieties that are valuable for varietal testing are described. According to the results of research carried out the new apple varieties are promising for use in breeding and in industrial and home gardening of the Southern region of Russia. The Soyuz apple variety combining immunity to scab, drought tolerance, high yield (up to 56 t/ga on MM106 rootstosk), large size of fruits (up to 355 g), dessert fruit taste (tasting grade of 4,8-4,9 points).

How to cite
Ulyanovskaya E. SUMMER APPLE VARIETIES: SOUZ, ZOLOTOE LETNEE, FEUA, FORTUNA [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 1–18. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-1-18 (request date: 19.05.2024).
700 Кб
13 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.23:631.52:581.036
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-19-31


The paper presents the results of a comprehensive physiological assessment of 16 cherry`s varieties of various ecological and geographical origin in the Prikuban fruit growing zone of the Krasnodar Territory. The purpose of these studies was to study the physiological characteristics of the formation of cherry adaptability according to drought plant tolerance under the conditions of Southern horticulture to select the most resistant varieties to drought and heat. According to the indicators of leaf tissue water content, the cherry varieties of Timati, Feya, Dyuk Ivanovna, Dyuk Khodosa and Kazachka were revealed in the insufficient moisture period. Varieties characterized by the least loss of water during a long drought were found: Dzhusi Frut (7.1 %), Dyuk Ivanovna (7.4 %), Fairy (7.9 %), Orotak (8.4 %), Dyuk Hodosa (6.5 %), Timati (6.6 %), Vstrecha (6.8 %), Erdie Botermo (6.9%), Prizvanie (6.9%). It was established that in the studied cherry varieties the water-keeping capacity of leaf tissues was quite high and was determined by varietal characteristics and conditions of the year. According to the dry substances content in leaf tissues, the dynamics of which during the period of abnormally high positive temperatures effect indicate to some extent the drought tolerance of cherry varieties. The varieties with the lowest dry matter content like Timati (11.2 %), Dyuk Hodosa (10.4 %), Dyuk Ivanovna (12,2 %), Erdie Bothermo (11.8 %), Jusi Frut (12.5 %) are selected. At the same time, a relationship was established between the hydration of leaf tissues and the dry substances content in them, which increase with a decrease in the total water content. By the complex of physiological parameters, the most drought tolerant varieties under the conditions of the Kuban zone of the Krasnodar Territory are revealed, they are Dyuk Ivanovna, Dyuk Khodosa, Timati and Feya. These varieties can be recommended for cultivation and adaptive cherry plantations under conditions of Southern Region.

How to cite
Zaremuk R., Kopnina T., Dolya Y. REALIZATION OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE POTENTIAL OF PROMISING CHERRY VARIETIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 19–31. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-19-31 (request date: 19.05.2024).
708 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.232:631.541.11
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-32-45


Clonal rootstocks should contribute to improving the economic and biological characteristics of varieties, to show the adaptability to abiotic stress factors, to increase in the yield of plantations. Where guaranteed irrigation is not possible, the clonal rootstock for sweet cherry in Southern Russia can be Magaleb cherry or Antipka, which naturally show the high drought tolerance. The purpose of our work is the selection of a highly productive clonal rootstock for sweet cherry from the forms of Magaleb cherry selected by the high rooting rate with lignified cuttings. These clonal forms of Antipka, have been tested since 2015 for compatibility with the zoned Alexandria variety. 28 tested rootstock forms can be divided into groups according to the growth vigor, as dwarf, medium and vigorous growth. The rootstocks of C-85, C-3, ANT B/N 5, ANT 213, Jermuk 30, C 18, ANT A 30, ANT self-fertile 17 and ANT 14-21-33 stand out as dwarf. Testing of variety-rootstock combinations with the participation of Antipka forms showed that rootstock propagated by cloning contribute to early sweet cherry maturity, that is not the case with seed propagation. The manifestation of early maturity is noted in variety-rootstock combinations with the participation of ANT 1/148 9/10, ANT C 36, ANT b/n 13, ANT A 30, C-3, C-18, on the fifth year of growth a yield are of 9.8; 12.3; 10.4; 10.3; 12.3 and 15.1 kg, respectively, twice of the RVL 9 control rootstock 6.5 kg. The analysis of the specific productivity of the stem cross section characterizes the trees on the tested rootstock forms C 18 0.27 kg/sm3, ANT self-fertile 17 0.23 kg/sm3, ANT C 36 0.19 kg/sm3, ANT × Maaka 9-8 0.16 kg/sm3, as highly productive at a young age. The trees on these rootstocks correspond to the assigned 5×2 m planting scheme and the KGB formation system.

How to cite
Eremina O., Sivoplyasov V. NEW EARLY MATURING CLONAL ROOTSTOCKS FOR SWEET CHERRY FROM PERSPECTIVE FORMS OF SPECIES P. MAHALEB L. [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 32–45. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-32-45 (request date: 19.05.2024).
644 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.717: 631.527
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-46-59


Brief characteristics of the five promising breeding of blackberry forms with a complex of economic and valuable features identified during the study under the conditions of the Orel region (VNIISPK) is given. Four of them are obtained from the open pollination of foreign cultivars of Loch Ness, Black Satin and Cheyenne; the fifth form is created by crossing the Caucasian species of Rubus caucasicus L. with the American cultivar of Thornfree. The studies were carried out according to the conventional methods on the well-cultivated plot using a support trellis and winter shelter of experimental plants with a white synthetic material with a density of 60 g / m2. The selected blackberry seedlings are superior to the released cultivars on a number of traits: the Agawam cultivar on the quality of the berries, being inferior in winter hardiness, the Thornfree cultivar on winter hardiness and some indicators of the quality of the berries and early ripening, being inferior in productivity. As complex origin of a number of economically significant features, these genotypes can be used in the further breeding process. Thornfree × R. caucasicus L. is of value for harmonious ripening, regularity and intensity of shoot formation, high self-fertility and viability. The seedlings from the open pollination of Cheyenne and Black Satin blackberry can serve as origin of high taste quality of berries, early and continuous ripening and winter hardiness. The seedlings from the open pollination of Loch Ness 4 and 13 are perspective in breeding for sweet taste of berries, transportability and lack of plant thorns. The studies have shown that both traditional crosses and open pollination, which can give new genotypes with high indicators of economically valuable traits, can be used in the creation of new blackberry cultivars to obtain a diversity of breeding material. It is noted that the involvement of wild species with valuable traits in the breeding process is promising.

How to cite
Gryuner L., Kornilov B. BLACKBERRIES FROM VNIISPK GENE POOL PERSPECTIVE FOR BREEDING [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 46–59. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-46-59 (request date: 19.05.2024).
567 Кб
10 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8.06
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-60-69


The breeders of the Anapa Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Winemaking carry out a large and relevant work aimed at breeding the new high-quality and productive technical grape varieties adapted to local climatic conditions, with high productivity and quality indicators, as well as tolerant to the most dangerous vermin the phylloxera. This article presents the results of the study of elite grape hybrid forms of technical direction, including the newly selected to the elite forms of the last year. Every year the phenological observations and agrobiological calculations, ufologically and chemical analyses are carried out with selected hybrid forms. The data obtained allow us to identify the most productive forms with high quality of final products for further development of new varieties and transfer them to State testing and introduction of them into production practice. Long-term comprehensive research of grape hybrid forms of the technical direction allowed us to distinguish ten hybrids into the elite. The studied hybrids have high productivity indicators: the coefficient of fruiting was 1.0-1.2, the coefficient of fruitfulness 1.3-1.4, the yield per bush 6.7 kg on average. These hybrid grape forms have good annual vine ripening rates (up to 83 % in 2019). In addition, they are much superior to the mechanical composition of bunches of control varieties. This is especially concern for the ratio of combs and berries, juice and pulp with skin and seeds. This allow to suggest that these elite grape hybrid forms can be the title of a variety, that is, they can be submitted to the State variety testing.

How to cite
Gorbunov I. STUDY OF TECHNICAL ELITE GRAPE HYBRIDS OF AZESVW BREEDING [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 60–69. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-60-69 (request date: 19.05.2024).